Friday, June 11, 2010


It turned out that Pete's stroke was more severe than initially realized and we are finding that he is not making progress. We greatly and always appreciate the thoughts and prayers of all his friends and family. Unfortunately, we are trying to come to terms that there may not be much of a recovery. He is not taking visitors right now, but greatly appreciates your support.


  1. Our family has so many fond memories of those Sehome and Y swim team days. Pete and Pat always there to cheer for all the girls. His parenting skills had great results. I remember Pete saying that "if the kids are always at swim or basketball practice and swim meets and games they were too tired and busy to get into trouble". Sage wisdom that actually works! Our family wishes all the Ambrose clan the very best in these tough times. Having our own family tragedy taught us to appreciate what you have and cherish all the great memories of all the times when things were so good. Give Pete our best wishes and love.
    Phil, Susan and Eiron Schofield

  2. Dear Pete, Pat, Heidi, Kari-

    I have so many wonderful memories of you all....lakeside at your great house, poolside at more locations than I care to count -
    here at our home front...sailing with Pat...
    Our early years in Bellingham were fun and you all were a big part of that.
    Sometimes when I'm feeling sad I think back to those days and you're always part of those thoughts.

    So many years have gone by now and we've lost connections - but when I heard about your stroke, Pete, I was heartsick..
    I know you're surrounded by loving family and friends, and please count Phil, Eiron and myself in that group.
    I've worked in stroke rehab and know what an arduous journey it is for patients and their families. I've also seen progress
    long after doctor's said there would be none. Life is so unpredictable, as we all know firsthand. I know you're working
    really hard in therapy, and keep at it!

    I'm glad you're by the water where you are now...that's so healing, too.
    I'm sending my love to all of you,


  3. Dear Pete, Pat, Heidi, Kari,
    All my hope is for Pete's mending. I have such great memories of all of you through out the years. Love to you at this time and everyday.
