Saturday, May 1, 2010

Graduating Again!

Dad is amazing and he continues to work hard and make progress. We have gotten a little excited about having visitors and we have been instructed by the therapists that it is tiring him a little for his therapies. Doing his rehabiliation and therapies is his biggest job right now and it does take a lot of energy out of him. In an effort to conserve his energy, we are going to have 2-3 hour scheduled visits and if you are interested in this email
On an exciting note Dad has started writing a little and eating on his own! All these early improvements are an incredibly good sign and we are all right there beside him cheering him on! He is aware of the situation and gets frustrated because he hasn't been able to talk yet, but he will get there with time. Thank you all for your love and support.


  1. Thinking about you all so much and appreciate being able to hear about Pete's great progress online. We know it's tough and we know that Pete's a fighter....great news about the writing! We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers,
    Mia & Todd Ellis

  2. Hi Pete!!
    Had hoped to see you before our trip to Germany and Norway but guess there hasn't been a good time. We think about you every day and hope you are progressing nicely. You take care of yourself and we'll see you for sure this summer. Love, Charlie and Karen

  3. Went waterskiing today and thought of you all. We keep you in our prayers. Great to read of the progress... Rebeccajo & Len
