Monday, April 26, 2010

Pete is continuing to make strides ahead. He has recently enjoyed a few visitors and it really seems to spur him on and encourage him....thank you! These past few days he has started to write a little and do more himself. Also, today his trach was removed! One more step in the right direction. In the next week or so he will be moved to a new facility because he is graduating from hospital level care!!! This is a great thing....he likely will remain in the seattle area due to doctor appointments, but we will let you all know where he will be as soon as we know. My mom and he are both looking forward to getting back to Bham and their friends as soon as dad is ready. Thank you again for all the support and love. The fam

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pete is getting settled at his new location Kindred Hospital in Seattle. We have loved the care he has received there and he continues to do better each day. He is now is in the phase of rehabilitation and recovery! We have started having a few visitors and if you would like to visit him we would love that. The best times are late afternoon/evenings and weekends because he doesn't have his therapy then. A little side note: he gets tired at times and still needs his rest, so if he seems to want to sleep ....he probably just needs some shut eye but he would still love the quiet company. We like to have someone with him most of the day so he knows we are with him. If you are comimg, it would help us a a great deal to let either heidi, kari, or pat know so we can adjust our schedule if needed. If you don't have our contact info can email Pete will continue to need his friends and family more and more as he improves. Your outpouring of support and love for him has been so wonderful. Thank you again.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Finally! Dad is getting discharged from the hospital! He is going to an acute care facility in Seattle to get ready for the next step after that...inpatient rehab! Today was a fun day, dad gave us a few smiles at his cousin Peter's good humor, and gave us a high five. He still is tired from the ICU marathon and needs medical care and rest, but the last four days have continued to be better and better. Keep up the prayers and good thoughts...they are working. We deeply appreciate all the well wishes, cards, meals, and flowers, and are continually touched by the the outpouring of support for dad. Thank you all for being such good friends. With Love, Pat, Heidi, Kari and Family

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pete transferred out of the ICU to the floor today. He is making small improvements each day. He had a small surgery yesterday which he is recovering from. Overall he is improving.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Update 4.09.10

Dad continues to make improvements. He has stabilized from him surgery and we are hopeful that he will get out of the ICU in the next day or two.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

On Monday Pete had surgery. He is in the ICU recovering and we are hopeful. We are so thankful for all of your good thoughts and support. Pete is not up for visitors right now but he looks forward to it when he reaches rehab, which may be in several weeks.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

On March 29th, Pete suffered a stroke. This resulted in weakness in the right side of his body. While we deeply appreciate all of your well wishes and offers to help, at this time we are not encouraging visitors due to the sensitive environment needed for Pete's recovery. Once we make it out of the hospital and to a rehab site, we would love for each of you to visit. For the time being, we will update this website with any change in Pete's condition and plans for transfer to a rehab site, which we anticipate in the next several weeks. Thanks to all of you for your understanding during this difficult time. Our family has been overwhelmed by all of our friends' support and love.

Pat, Heidi, & Kari